Midwest Aikido Center

New Member Registration


Date of Birth:

Mailing Address:

Contact Details:

Emergency Contact:

Liability Waiver:

I, the undersigned, promise to accept and follow all rules and regulations set forth by the MIDWEST AIKIDO CENTER (the Center). I represent that I have attained my legal majority and am fully competent to take all action with respect to this application. I further represent that I know that I am in good physical condition to receive Aikido instruction and training, understanding that such training involves violent and strenuous physical exercise. Furthermore, hereby expressly assume ALL RISKS of danger to my person, including risks of injury due to grossly negligent conduct by anyone connected in any way with the Center, its instructors, directors, officers, agents, employees, members and other students (whether regular, temporary, or other classification) enrolled in the Center. I further hereby expressly waive and forego all suits, claims, demands of any kind and character, damages, including damages for injuries resulting from negligence, including gross negligence, loss of services, expenses, and compensation growing out of any and all known and unknown personal injuries resulting from the study and practice of Aikido and from or while participating in tournaments, exhibitions, and other events of the Center while under the supervision and control of the Center, which I, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns hereafter can, shall or may have. I further agree to hold the Center, and other persons above described, harmless from all suits, claims, demands, damages, including damages for injuries resulting from negligence, including gross negligence, loss of services, expenses, and compensation of any kind or character arising out of my membership.